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Deadwoo1f 16 08 : 23:14 Рому привет, Всем привет, так и не получилось ни у кого найти ни какие старые мувики с мастерсов или просто команд ? или вобщем маде ин кмс ??
Deadwoo1f 01 06 : 09:17 всем еще раз привет, в комсе скоро пройдет лан чемп по кс го, разыгрывается квота на владивосток на то прочто я писал в прошлом "посте" вот ссылка http://vk.com/club94445042
Deadwoo1f 02 05 : 11:31 кстати, во владике второй чемп скоро, сайт вроде тот же, а еще скорей всего если новость не фейк в комсе днс организует кс го чемп, кстати я бегаю и тиму соберем наврено на ивент )))
SGrade 12 04 : 05:38 Если у кого-то время есть заниматься серьезно вопросом, могу совсем немного помогать
Classic folk remedies 1, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): raw white radish juice, two drops of each drop of the nose (both nostrils two drops), twice a day, once every 4-5 days and can dig up the roots. Jichi pepper, pepper. 2, dizziness (lightheadedness, dizziness): a duck, bean 20, stir boiling water, the morning flight, once a day, once every 7 days with special effects. Avoid drink, spicy. 3, insomnia, dreams: before going to bed with a half-basin of hot water, plus twelve feet soaked in vinegar for 20 minutes, and light blue 1-2 raw root. 4, dry cough (cold or other causes may be): raw black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were broken open water the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eating fish. 5, stomach pain, spit acid, ptosis of the stomach, gastric inflammation: the first time in twelve garlic, charred skin, plus a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar fasting food, the second day, 7 days can be cure. 6, hypertension, high cholesterol: celery seed * twelve, wrapped with gauze, put 10 pounds of water decoction, early, middle and late drinking a cup. Not afraid of spicy, could, early in the evening eating raw garlic 2, have lower blood pressure, blood lipid effects. 7, heart disease, coronary heart disease: a twelve peanut shells, green beans 5 money, a bowl of soup dose, the second, take a half months. 8, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: each with two and a half Chaojiao wheat flour, add appropriate amount of sugar and mix thoroughly with water, before meals, clothing, the second day, 2-3 days of special effects. Jichi persimmon, banana, greasy. 9, dyspepsia (indigestion with children): 4 two fried chicken skin nap research into a powder, sugar water before meals with a blunt, the second day, a 2 money (about half spoon), children half a can be served, Jichi snail. 10, chest tightness, flatulence: white radish seeds * 5 money, a bowl of soup served three times a day, once every 3 days along with consumer product gas effect. 11, neurological decline: Porcine 1 two, add a spoon of honey, steamed food, once daily, ate 5-10 days. 12, heat dry mouth: reed rhizome *, mung beans all five money, plus a bowl of water to boil, add appropriate amount of crystal sugar, to eat bean soup reed rhizome, served on the second, even for 3 days. Sheng Jin lungs, down as antipyretic. 13, gallbladder, kidney, urinary tract stones: The Gallus gallus domesticus, 50 grams of corn, fried a bowl of soup a dose, 2-3 times per day, and even served 10 days. Jichi liver, fat, egg yolk. 14, acute and chronic renal inflammation: 4 blackfish around a double, to the scales, intestine, green tea 2 money, including the use of wire strapped into the belly, plus a bowl of Shuizhu Shu, fish soup , day one, ate 10-15 days. Avoid alcohol, salt, bananas, sexual intercourse. 15, Diabetes: a porcine pancreas, melon skin a couple of add Shuizhu Shu (raw is also good), less add some oil, salt and spices (Do not add wine, sugar) eat, day one, ate 20 days. 16, poor memory: a goose egg, stir into the bowl add the amount of sugar, steamed morning flight, ate five days, there are clear educational function of the brain, have effects on memory enhancement, Jichi seaweed, pepper, animal blood, wine, green beans. 17, urinary incontinence (urinary urgency, unable to control): Intestinal pair, washed and dried, fried yellow research into powder, with a wine delivery service, every time money, three times a day, served Jiyu. Bogey ginger, spicy. 18, constipation (dry guitar stool, bowel problems): a bowl with the cooked pumpkin, add lard 5 money and the amount of salt eaten, once daily, once effective, three days can be more. 19, snore: pepper 5-10 tablets, a glass of water before going to bed with open blisters, cold water to be post-dose (pepper against the next), even for 5 days, will no snoring. 20, stroke: 1 drink per day only two raw celery juice, mild disease who served a half months, seriously ill person can be served in January, Jichi lamb, duck. 21, Hyperthyroidism: Dioscorea bulbifera * 9-12 grams, with three bowls of water to cook into a bowl, once a day; another 50 grams of foam 1 kg of liquor, served a two ,5-8 weeks metabolic rate significantly reduced. 22, chronic enteritis: an egg, half of the two liquor, mix, every night before bedtime. 23, playing roundworm: raw pumpkin seeds 20, shelled before meals, flight attendants, one eating the next day with the worm can defecate. 24, abdominal pain (abdominal pain with adult): deposited with an orange peel in the navel. Then half a catty sizzling salt (not too hot), deposited in the orange peel, the pain immediately. 25, eating junk: leek half a catty, not chopped, fry some more lard, once eaten, debris can be discharged with the stool. 26, molar: every night before going to bed to eat a raw orange peel, ate 2-3 days, treating pediatric and adult sleep molars. 27, drooling (adults, elderly people with sleep drool method): Loach half a catty, gutted and dried, fried yellow research into powder, rice wine blunt, a second money, once daily, can be served. 28, the examination room sedative prescription: Student progress]]> 经典民间偏方 1、头痛(各种头痛均可):生白萝卜汁,每次滴鼻孔两滴(两鼻孔都滴),一日两次,连用4-5天,可除根。忌吃花椒、胡椒。 2、头晕(头昏眼花、晕眩):鸭蛋一个、赤豆20粒,搅匀蒸熟,早晨空服,每日一次,连用7天有特效。忌吃酒、辣。 3、失眠、多梦:睡前用半脸盆热水,加一两醋双脚浸泡20分钟,并生吃葱白1-2根。 4、干咳(感冒或其他原因引起均可):生黑芝麻3钱(约一调羹),冰糖适量,共捣碎开水冲早晨空服,3天痊愈,少吃鱼类。 5、胃痛、吐酸、胃下垂、胃窦炎:大蒜头一次一两连皮烧焦,再加一碗水烧开、加适量白糖空腹食用,一日二次,连用7天可根治。